We are honored to frame so many special things…original artwork, heirlooms, memories and the like. Sometimes, even in the same week, we frame things that are completely opposite from each other. This very thing happened last week when we were completing a huge unfixed pastel, the feather above. Measuring over six feet wide and almost four feet tall this project presented specific challenges. Not only was it big and float mounted, the unfixed pastel meant that we could not turn the artwork over to mount it!
We completed the beautiful shadowbox presentation with TruVue Optium Museum acrylic because it is lightweight, resists scratching, is anti-static (so important for pastel), provides incredible clarity and most importantly, blocks 99% of UV light.

That very same week, we framed two postcards. The first, a childhood memory, was framed in a heavy traditional frame. We float mounted the postcard on a contrasting background to show off the pretty scalloped edge. The second, a reproduction of the client’s favorite painting, was kept small to fit a nook in their kitchen. To give the diminutive piece presence we added a fabric liner in a pretty green matching the colors in the artwork. Both pieces were framed with TruVue Museum glass.
What projects do you have in your home waiting for the right time to frame? A picture you like, but the framing doesn’t go with your new great room? A piece of street art from a recent vacation? Now is the time to bring them to Village Frame and Gallery!
Save Big with Construction Savings!
Village Frame and Gallery is offering 10 percent off one, or 15 percent off two or more new custom framing projects. We know it’s tough to park in the Village on the best of days and the construction doesn’t help. But here’s a hint…there is frequently empty parking on Capitol Highway right after the lunch rush on weekdays! So gather those projects, save BIG on framing and support the Village!

Village Frame and Gallery is located at 7808 SW Capitol Highway, Portland 97219 in the heart of Multnomah Village. We are open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm.