Inventory Reduction Sale August 19th-30th Only!

Image of Gholam Yunessi's painting Sonata
Sonata by Gholam Yunessi

In-stock, ready-to-hang artwork and mirrors at drastically reduced prices.

We need to make room for exciting new things to come, so we’re offering:

  • 20% to 50% off regular Gallery pricing*
  • Two weeks only
  • Stock is limited

If you’ve had your eye on a particular piece of art at Village Frame & Gallery, this may be your last chance, so stop in today.

*Sales does not include consignments or previous purchases.

See something you like?

This is just a small sample of the art we have on sale right now. Check out the rest in person at Village Frame & Gallery.

Village Frame & Gallery, 7808 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219 ● (503) 245-8001
Open Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 5pm, and Saturday 10am - 4pm, or by appointment.