Memories and Memorials

I’ve been going through lots of old pictures and keepsakes at mom and dad’s house lately, finding things I didn’t know still existed. My grandfather’s birth certificate, his parents marriage certificate. Pictures of my grandmother when she worked at Mars Candy Company in Chicago, dressed much like Lucy and Esther in the infamous candy conveyor belt scene. It’s rumored that they kept their marriage a secret so that she wouldn’t have to quit her job. I found stock certificates (one share each) from the Walt Disney company in my children’s names emblazoned with Mickey, Donald and the gang, and more.

It’s amazing how much we accumulate over time, scurried away in boxes and stashed under beds or in closets. Recently, one of our customers brought in keepsakes he found in his father’s house – an old photo and a document. To be more specific, it was a Presidential Unit Citation for the capture of U-505 during WWII and a photo of the US crew at sea on the bow of the submarine! The citation was in surprisingly good condition, however the photograph had considerably warped over time and repeated exposure to moisture.

Presidential Unit Citation for the capture of U-505 during WWII and a photo of the US crew at sea framed together

Our customer wanted to preserve and showcase these precious keepsakes together in one frame. He chose a distressed leather moulding with a linen mat and fillet, and then we got to work. Using conservation methods and materials we mounted the citation. Given the fragile condition of the photograph, we created a space in the mounting materials where it would be secure and protected, but not constrained. The resulting presentation is somber, respectful and beautiful.

Mom always wanted to frame the Walt Disney Company stock certificates for my kids. I think she was waiting for them to get older, for when they would appreciate them. We all went on a Disney Cruise when the kids were little. It was a great trip enjoyed by three generations – I still have pictures. I think I know what my kids are getting for Christmas this year.

Do you have old photos you’ve been meaning to frame? Keepsakes you want to display, but you’re not sure how to do it? Bring them in, no appointment necessary, we would be honored to work with you!

Village Frame & Gallery, 7808 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219 ● (503) 245-8001
Open Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 5pm, and Saturday 10am - 4pm, or by appointment.