It’s the holidays and like many of our clients we’re getting our home ready for visitors and celebrations. We’ve been making Christmas cookies, Jeanette and I raided my mom’s recipes, to great cheer from my son, brother and father. To wrap presents last evening I had to clear off the dining room table. And our guest bedroom, well let’s just say that it’s where all matter of things are placed until such time as we need them or need the bedroom for guests.
Are you getting your home ready for the holidays, too? Need to clear out that guest bedroom and be able to set the dining room table for guests? Don’t stash that artwork you picked up on vacation under the bed, bring it to Village Frame & Gallery now and take advantage of our Golden Ticket offer – 10% off new custom framing projects – through December 31st! Your artwork will be safe and after the New Year you’ll have new artwork to put on your walls!

Last minute gifts at Village Frame & Gallery!
I walked into the mall last weekend, yes I did. I honestly haven’t “shopped” in a mall for years – why would I when there are so many great local shops in Multnomah Village and Hillsdale? Well, I went to the mall because I needed a piece of jewelry fixed and, perhaps, just a bit of curiosity. (Side note – I so miss Jones and Jones in the Village!) The mall was festive and the stores I walked into had very pleasant and helpful staff, just like the shops here in the Village. There is one BIG difference, the shops in the Village and Hillsdale are curated, owned and staffed by your neighbors!

At Village Frame & Gallery we have gifts for everyone on your list, hand made by local and regional artists. Beadwork jewelry, sculpture, ceramics, hand-turned wood pens and unframed original art. We can tell you about the artists and about the art – where they live and the processes they use – because they are your neighbors too!
Last minute framing options, now through Christmas Eve!

Precious family photos and framed artwork make wonderful gifts for the holidays and it’s not too late to create that special gift! Village Frame Gallery is pleased to carry 5×7 and 8×10 photo frames and a large selection of unique ReadyFast frames in standard sizes from 5×7 to 16×20, priced for holiday gift giving. As the name implies, framing projects with ReadyFast frames can be ready in as little as one day. Bring in those photos or artwork for that special someone and we’ll create a memorable gift, just in time for Christmas!

Village Frame and Gallery is located at 7808 SW Capitol Highway, Portland 97219 in the heart of Multnomah Village. Our regular hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm.