February Surplus Picture Framing Sale

Framed heirloom pictures and pocketwatch
Surplus Framing Works Great for Shadow Box Projects Too!

We don’t mean to get personal, but how many unframed pieces of art do you have in the back of your closets? You know, the ones you keep thinking you should pull out and bring in for framing? If you’re like some of our friends, there are several pieces stuck back there in the dark.

We get it, we have a similar problem with surplus materials. We’ve got a big stack in the back room and it’s time to do something about it. So, this month we’re offering big savings on surplus moulding and matting for 16″ x 20″ pictures and smaller.

How Can You Save Big on Surplus Framing Material?

When we order material for a custom framing job, we have to buy minimum lengths of moulding, often more than we need to complete the job. It’s the same with mats. There is often “fall out” or extra after we cut what we need.

These are beautiful, top-quality materials, so we store the excess until we have another, smaller project for the same moulding or matting. Of course, you know what happens, eventually the storeroom starts to bulge at the seams. That’s why we’re selling our surplus materials at huge savings right now to anyone who tells us the Word of the Month for February.

Grab your smaller art out of the closet and head on down to the Gallery to get in on the savings. What could be better for chasing away the deep winter blues than finally getting to hang and enjoy artwork you love?

What is the February Word of the Month?
Glad you asked! Subscribe to Village Frame & Gallery News, it’s free, and you’ll receive the Word of the Month every month. If you missed the last newsletter and still want to save on surplus material, go ahead and subscribe now and we will send you February’s Word of the Month.

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Subscribe Now to Keep Saving with Word of the Month

Around here we love savings and we love having fun. So, this year we are combining the two. Each month we will publish a “Word of Month” in Village Frame & Gallery News, our free e-newsletter. The Word of the Month will entitle you to take advantage of a sale or special we have going on at the gallery. For instance, in January, if you asked “How’s ARTIE?,” you got 25% off any ornamental mirror in the shop. If you haven’t already subscribed to Village Frame & Gallery News, sign up now so you don’t miss the February special—it’s a big one!


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Designer Mirror Sale

Picture of large mirror with elaborate gilt frame
Click to enlarge

Save on Designer Mirrors in January

Mid-winter gloom getting you down? It may be time to brighten your home or office with mirrors. Strategically placed mirrors reflect light into dark corners and make any room seem bigger and more cheerful. In Portland, mirrors are an interior designer’s best friend, especially this time of year, so pop into Village Frame & Gallery. We have a wide selection of ornamental mirrors in the shop right now and you can get 25% off the purchase price if you ask, “How’s Artie?” while you’re in the shop.

Featured Artist Natalya Romanovsky

“I want to transform the beauty around me into shapes. I try to think of my work as a process of simplifying something huge into a manageable pattern.”

–Natalya Romanovsky


natalya-romanovsky-IMG_1762-300Natalya Romanovsky starts every painting with a sketch. Then, as each shape and object “finds it has a soul and speaks to me,” develops her vivid, energetic paintings. Inspired by both folk art and contemporary design, Romanovsky produces oil paintings of dynamic images formed by bold brushstrokes and texturized by etching the work with a wooden skewer.


Natalaya Romanovsky has a childhood memory of a chance encounter with an old man, Jorg Jonkof, who was rumored to have been lost as a child, then found in a city far away. To Romanovsky it was as if Jonkof passed something to her during that meeting. From then on, she was destined to become an artist. At 7 years old, a teacher noticed Romanovsky’s talent and told her mother, “Give her brushes and paint. The child will know what to do.”

She earned her Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design from Chisinau Art College in her native Moldovia. After graduation, she went to work for a popular magazine, contributed to childrens’ publications, and continued to paint. In 1993 Romanovsky immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio.

During her first three years in America, Romanovsky worked odd jobs: McDonalds, babysitting, working at an ad agency, doing art therapy with seniors. Bored, but not knowing many people, she immersed herself in painting more and more. By 1996 she was painting full time.

“I am addicted to painting and must do it every day,” she says. A night owl, she often works until 3 a.m. or later. She also loves music and cruising America’s open roads.

Romanovsky’s work is exhibited in galleries throughout North America and popular with collectors. Three of her works are currently available at Village Frame & Gallery in Portland, Oregon.

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How to Hang Art the Easy Way

Have you ever tried to create a stunning gallery style art display in your home or office? Then realized, 57 nail holes later that it’s not as easy as you thought it would be?

halsey-hanging-system-72dpiPerhaps you wanted to dedicate space to rotating exhibitions? But decided against it because you would have to patch and repair the wall every time you made a change?

Are you constantly challenged by a special situation like setting up displays in a window or historic building?

Good news! Halsey Cable Display Systems can fix all these problems and more.

Hang Art without Damaging Your Walls

hang-art-without-damaging-walls-oPositioning art can quickly become very difficult. We’ve all measured carefully, driven the nail, hung the picture, and then realized the nail needed to be half an inch to the left. The more pieces you want to group or line up exactly, the worse the problem becomes. Then, after the exhibit is perfectly positioned, we can’t change a thing unless we’re willing to start all over. Halsey Display Systems end all that hassle, replacing nails and hangers with a discrete track-mounted cable system that gives you endless flexibility. Picture a little too low? No problem, just slide the gripper up and lock it into place. Want to swap out one or more pieces of your display? You can adjust everything around it in minutes.


Hang Art or Signs in Store Windows

Art posters and pictures can significantly increase the wow factor of your front windows, but only if they are professionally installed. This is another area where we highly recommend Halsey Hanging Systems. Their ceiling track system can be mounted above the window for a clean, upscale look that keeps the focus where it belongs, on your display rather than your hardware. Plus, you will be able to easily change your displays monthly or seasonally.

Hang Art in a Historic Home with Rail Moulding


Homes built between 1900 and 1950 often have wood picture rail mouldings installed at the top of the wall. This allows you to hang art from the moulding, rather than damage the plaster walls. If your home or building has this type of railing, all you need is hooks designed to work with your railing and high-strength steel cables. The Halsey system also offers something the original owners didn’t have: cable grippers to make height adjustment a breeze.

Call Village Frame & Gallery for a Free Consultation

We will help you design a professional display that can be easily modified to meet your current and future needs. If a flexible, easy-to-customize art hanging system sounds like a dream come true to you, call 503-245-8001.

It’s Golden Ticket Time!

Look for signs like this in the windows of participating businesses.
Click on image to enlarge.

Do your holiday shopping in Multnomah Village and Hillsdale to earn Golden Tickets from participating businesses.

Take your ticket to another participating business and receive a discount or a treat! Golden Ticket specials start November 15th and run through December 31st–and yes, Village Frame & Gallery is a participating business.

Golden Ticket Here Signs Tell You Who is Participating

Just look for signs like  the one here on the right in the windows of participating businesses. Or, click on the image to enlarge it, print it out, and plan your shopping day to get the maximum number of Golden Tickets.

Bring a Golden Ticket to Village Frame & Gallery and receive a free gift!

We look forward to seeing you this holiday season!

Local Artists Holiday Salon December 6th, 7th


You are  cordially invited

to our

Local Artists Holiday Salon


Village Frame & Gallery
in the heart of Multnomah Village

Friday, December 6th, 5 pm – 9 pm
Saturday, December 7th, Noon – 4 pm

Come browse our exhibition of unique creations, meet the artists,
and shop for the art lovers on your list! Joining us will be
Watercolorist Kay Synoground, Woodworker Randy Bonella,
Mosaic Artist Denise Sirchie, and Jewelry Artist Susan Koch.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Village Frame & Gallery, 7808 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219 ● (503) 245-8001
Open Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 5pm, and Saturday 10am - 4pm, or by appointment.