Even wee bits of antique fabric can become a striking exhibit with proper framing.
What’s in your attic?
Lace from your grandmother’s wedding dress …
Sections of an antique sampler …
Bold scraps of hand-woven cloth brought from overseas decades ago …
Do you have textile fragments you love tucked away? Little remnants that are too precious to throw out and too fragile for their original use? Frame them!
Antique and vintage fabrics, needlework, and clothing are often truly works of art, as well as beloved keepsakes. Creative layout and conservation framing lets you showcase and preserve these pieces. Opt for glazing with museum glass and their texture will still be clearly visible and dust-free.
Old textiles not only make beautiful household decor, they become conversation starters — tiny bits of history that catch the eye and tantalize the imagination.

For Best Results, Hire an Experienced Textile Framer
Not every frame shop will or can handle textiles well. Fabrics and fibers require special handling to block, stabilize, and conserve each piece, which is dependent on the type of material. The more valuable the textile fragment, the more important it is to choose a framer with these specialty skills.
Village Frame & Gallery has been trusted by textile artists and conservators since 1999. If you have a fabric or fiber piece you want to liberate from your attic, bring it to our shop for a free consultation.