
Framing Architectural Photos and Paintings

Have you recently returned from holiday with new artwork? Don’t put it in a drawer, only to be forgotten! Do you have memories in your phone that you’d love to have professionally printed but don’t know where to go?

What’s with the Gallery?

When we purchased Village Frame and Gallery almost five years ago we re-envisioned the space. We wanted a light, open space. A space that showcased the work of local artists in a friendly, inviting way.

Well, Hello. Yes, We’re Here!

It was 6:30 pm on April 1st and I had just finished hanging our April featured artist’s paintings in the gallery – I hadn’t yet locked the door.

Village Frame & Gallery, 7808 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219 ● (503) 245-8001
Open Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 5pm, and Saturday 10am - 4pm, or by appointment.